
orphanage visit

Saturday, April 26, 2008

KENYAN B. Study 2/08 -- Excerpts from letter to LCS

The Bible study with our Kenyan neighbors meets in our yard every Tuesday and Friday night. Thanks for your concern and questions about the Bible study. We just had another bible study last night under the stars. We have spent many weeks reading through the book of Daniel. Fires, lions, hands writing mysteriously on the wall, miracles, dreams, Angelic deliverance and stories of very dedicated and faithful soldiers for Christ! What incredible reading Daniel is! We have really grown from reading the true tales of men pushed to the limit by their faith and have seen firsthand our Father’s deliverance. Just last night we reviewed the first three chapters of Daniel and had a time of singing (songs in Kiswahili, not English) then concluded with prayer. These men and the Bible study has meant a great deal for my own spiritual growth.

This Bible study is made up of many Kenya (African ) men who have traveled into the Sudan as hired, foreign laborers and construction workers. Kenya is the country I spent two years living in and teaching before the Sudan. Kenya is located just south of the Sudan. Here in Torit there are many Kenyan men and women working or looking for work. These particular men live in an adjacent compound next to our compound. Will you pray for men such as….ready for some more names? Raphael, Julius, Daniel, and Joseph. Many more men attend the Bible study however, these men help guide and lead. Our study would not be possible without their steadfast work and dedication. Their faith is stronger than mine. Very difficult lives these faithful men have. So far from home and family, displaced in a foreign, neighboring country, living in tin shacks and sleeping on old, dirty mattresses but still praying and singing glory to the Lord out of thanksgiving, not obligation!

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